I am a software engineer who loves to build and experience novel technologies. My tech stack mainly falls under the Java & Spring domain. My work and projects primarily involve Spring Boot, Docker, Redis, MySQL, and Message Queues (Kafka / RabbitMQ). Instead of being a pure backend engineer, I find being a full-stack engineer brings me more excitement and vitality.
I am currently based in Ottawa, Canada. Before moving to Ottawa, I acquired an Honours Bachelor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, Kelowna Campus. My thesis focused on engineering an audience response system for student labs and class activities.
  1. Full-Stack Software Engineer InternSolace Systems Inc.

    Collaborated and developed Message Queue Management System in Solace Cloud Platform with Spring Boot and React.

    • Designed and implemented the visualization of the messaging queue configuration relation in Java and MySQL.
    • Accelerated development cycles by contributing to the internal React component library with TypeScript and MUI.
    • Automated log analysis on error level logs, which significantly reduced the cost on DataDog.
    • Optimized the level of SQL execution of 10,000+ rows to millisecond.
    • Reduced the micro-frontend rendering overhead by 20% by applying Recoil state management and React Query.
    • Conducted MySQL update and migrations for multiple microservices
  2. Web DeveloperUniveristy of Ottawa

    Architected and developed a modular monolithic full-stack academic platform using React, Node.js, Redis and MySQL.

    • Led a team of students to launch two major releases following Agile methodology and Test-Driven Development.
    • Built token bucket rate limiting mechanism and IP block list with Node.js and Redis.
    • Designed and implemented custom API gateways along with nginx reverse poxy.
    • Crafted integration tests and CI/CD pipelines with Circle CI and GitHub Actions.
    • Secured system stability with JMeter stress testing, maintaining latency under 200ms in the 99th percentile.
  3. Software Developer internBank of Canada

    Examined traditional machine learning models performance on forecasting Canadian, UK, US macroeconomic variables.

    • Architected and developed time-series-based machine learning models and auto-tuning pipelines in Python and Keras.
    • Implemented real-time macro-economy analysis dashboard with Plotly and Django.
    • Studied the robustness of machine learning interpretation methods, such as Shapley value based SHAP approach and LIME.
  4. Master of Data ScienceUniversity of Ottawa

    Course work: Full-stack Cloud Computing, Distributed Database, Applied Data Science, Mobile Development, Natural Language Processing

  5. Bachelor of Science, Honours ProgramUBC, Kelowna Campus

    Course work: Database Management System, Computer Networking, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Analysis of Algorithms

    Thesis: An audience response system for student labs and class activities.

  • ZhengliangWang-SDE-Resume.pdf174KB